Conditional Sentence Type 1,2,3

1.Conditional Sentence Type I

 Pengertian :

Conditional type 1 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang memiliki kemungkinan untuk terwujud saat ini atau di masa depan.


if + simple present, S+will + infinitive(Verb1)

atau rumus tanpa menggunakan koma:

S+will + infinitive(Verb1) + if + simple present

Note:  if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.

Contoh :

1.If it is sunny, I will go jogging. (+)

2.Unless he comes, I will not be angry.  (-)

3.Will you come if they invite you?    (?)

4.My teacher will be angry if i do not finish your homework. (-)

5.If you can get early, we will leave at dawn.  (+)

 2. Conditional Sentence Type II

 Pengertian :

Conditional type 2 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang tidak mungkin dimasa sekarang atau di masa depan.Dengan kata lain kalimat ini kontradiktif pada waktu itu.


if + simple past, S+would/could/might + infinitive(Verb1)

atau rumus tanpa menggunakan koma:

S+would/could/might + infinitive (Verb1)+ if + simple past

Note: -  if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.

             – Were Menggantikan Was ( walaupun subjeknya she, he, it,dan kata benda tunggal)

Contoh :

1.I would buy that motorcycle If I were you.  (+)

2.Unless Dodi studied, he would fail.  (-)

3.Would Doni buy a sport car if he had much money?  (?)

4.If I were not busy, I would be able to finish this work on time. (-)

5.If Dina got a lot money, she could go to Turkey. (+)

3. Conditional Sentence Type III

Pengertian :

Conditional type 3 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang tidak mungkin dimasa lampau atau masalah yang tidak pernah terjadi di masa lampau. Dengan kata lain kalimat ini kontradiktif pada masa lampau.

If + S+ Past Perfect, S + would/could/might+have+past participle

Atau tanpa menggunakan koma:

S+would/could/might+have+ past participle+if+S+ Past Perfect


1.If you had driven more carefully, you wouldn’t have had an accident. (-)

2.If my mother had given me money, I could have bought a car. (+)

3.You would have passed the exam if you had studied hard. (+)

4.If i had not been busy, I would not have finished this work on time. (-)

5.Rio would have been a president if he had become a politican. (+)

Penggunaan kata kerja:

- If clause menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past perfect (had + Verb3)
- Expectation clause menggunakan auxiliary ‘would have’ atau ‘could have’ + Verb3.

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